
Empowering Decentralized Infrastructure Services on the Ethereum Blockchain

DecentraNode Roadmap

Q1 2024: Platform Launch and Core Functionality

  • Smart Contract Development: Finalize and audit smart contracts for service transactions, revenue sharing, and governance.

  • Bot Utility Development: Integrate a user-friendly bot utility for seamless service selection, payment handling, and resource monitoring.

  • Basic Services Implementation: Roll out the initial offerings for server rentals, Web3 infrastructure, and GPU computing, ensuring robustness and reliability.

  • Token Launch: Conduct a fair and transparent token launch to distribute DNODE tokens to early adopters and community members.

  • Community Building: Initiate community engagement efforts through social media, forums, and partnerships to gather feedback and create a vibrant user community.

Q2 2024: Optimization and Expansion

  • User Interface Upgrade: Enhance the user interface of the bot utility for improved accessibility and user experience.

  • Security Audits: Conduct additional security audits to ensure the robustness and resilience of the platform.

  • Expansion of Services: Introduce additional services based on community feedback and market demands, expanding the platform's utility.

  • Staking Mechanism: Implement a staking mechanism for DNODE token holders, offering additional incentives and benefits.

  • Partnerships: Forge strategic partnerships with key players in the decentralized infrastructure space to broaden the platform's reach.

Q3 2024: Governance and Community Involvement

  • Decentralized Governance Launch: Introduce the decentralized governance system, allowing DNODE token holders to propose and vote on platform upgrades and changes.

  • Community Grant Program: Establish a grant program to encourage community members to contribute to the development of the platform.

  • Documentation and Education: Enhance documentation and educational resources to empower users and developers within the ecosystem.

  • Integration with External Platforms: Explore integration opportunities with external platforms and projects to create a more interconnected decentralized ecosystem.

Q4 2024: Scaling and Global Adoption

  • Scalability Improvements: Implement scalability solutions to accommodate the growing user base and increased demand for services.

  • Global Marketing Campaign: Launch a comprehensive marketing campaign to promote DecentraNode globally, targeting key markets and user demographics.

  • Interoperability Features: Introduce interoperability features to enhance compatibility with other blockchain networks and decentralized technologies.

  • Advanced Revenue Sharing Model: Enhance the revenue-sharing model based on community feedback, ensuring fair and sustainable incentives for token holders.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Work towards regulatory compliance to foster trust and confidence among users and potential partners.

Last updated